Premium Angular Bundle by Creative Tim šŸ˜»

We've partnered with the guys from Creative Tim to give you some awesome discounts on their $520 Angular Bundle.


Check the Angular Bundle Here.

Creative Tim's Kits and Dashboards are used by over 560.000 web developers around the world. Companies like CISCO, Orange, Vodafone, Amazon, Salesforce or universities like MIT, Stanford or Harvard use their solution for different internal projects.

They have an offer for it at $129 but we have an exclusive deal where you get an extra 30% discount using the coupon "angular-expo-partner".

What is in this great Angular Bundle:

1. Material Dashboard PRO Angular

The admin template is valued at $59 and it contains 200 handcrafted components, 15 customized plugins and 27 example pages. Check all the details on our partner website.

2. Now UI Kit PRO Angular

Now UI Kit PRO Angular is a premium Bootstrap 4 UI Kit built on top of Angular 6 with a huge number of components, sections and example pages. All the components are designed to look great together, following the same design pattern.
The UI Kit is valued at $79 and it contains 1000 handcrafted components, 8 customized plugins and 11 example pages. Check all the details on our partner website.

3. Paper Dashboard PRO Angular

Paper Dashboard PRO Angular is a simple and beautiful Bootstrap admin dashboard with a large number of components. If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, this dashboard is the thing for you.
The admin template is valued at $49 and it contains 160 handcrafted components, 15 customized plugins and 25 example pages. Check all the details on our partner website.

4. Paper Kit 2 PRO Angular

Paper Kit 2 PRO Angular is a premium Bootstrap 4 UI Kit with a huge number of components, sections and example pages.
The UI Kit template is valued at $59 and it contains 1000 handcrafted components, 9 customized plugins and 18 example pages. Check all the details on our partner website.

5. Light Bootstrap Dashboard PRO Angular

The admin template is valued at $49 and it contains 120 handcrafted components, 15 customized plugins and 24 example pages. Check all the details on our partner website.

Hope you like what we prepared for you šŸ˜!

Disclaimer: this is a promo post, on we share a lot of free tools and promote only great content, but we need some $$$ to sustain the servers and people working on curating these awesome resources. If you want to sustain the project and be featured here contact us on @angularexpo.